The Magnificent Mount Mansfield Trek

On August 16th, I climbed the tallest mountain in Vermont.

When you grow up near Ocean City, South Jersey, where the tallest hill is the sand dune you climb to get to the beach–going to Vermont to hike and climb mountains is a really big deal.

To get ready for the climb, I camped at Underhill State park at the foot of the mountain.

Staying at this beautiful park guarantees you a parking space for the mountain climb.  Every day people start arriving early morning to make the trek up the mountain.  I saw many people arrive who couldn’t find a place to park because the small parking lot was already packed.

Just staying at this park is a challenge for a flat lander.  I arrived Tuesday afternoon and I had to haul my gear up and down a hill to my campsite.  They give you wheel barrels..but that proved to be exhausting as well…so I just made a few trips with small loads while telling myself that this is preparing me for Thursday when I have to climb over 4000 feet up to the summit.

I am 55 years old, and I have been hiking a lot the last four years with Earth Cruisers, as well as tending to my small  farm…so I really believed if I took my time and paced myself after eating and taking my organic supplements I had a good chance of reaching the summit.  I am going to plug some supplements I have been taking the last 8 years because I know they have made me healthier mentally and physically– and I credit my diet and supplement regiment with staying as active as I am.

So the day came that I was going to tackle this mountain.  I ate three eggs, and beef hot dogs with NO nitrates.  I hard boiled three more eggs and packed them along with trail mix.  The following supplements that I used that day are supplements that I also sell through my online Outdoor Nutrition business.  I have used these products for over 8 years and I know they work!

Here are the following products I took the morning of my hike:

Image result for nutrilite energy and focus


XS Energy and Focus uses an herb called Rhodiola rosea.  It is a herb in the rhodiola genera (Crassulaceae family) which has traditional usage as an anti-fatigue agent.  Rhodiola appears to be able to significantly reduce the effects of prolonged and minor physical exhaustion that results in fatigue.   Rhodiola can improve cognitive functioning in persons who experience a reduction in fatigue.  One of the effects of Rhodiola rosea is an increase in energy levels, and for those people suffering from fatigue-induced depression, this herbal approach can be life-changing. 

I find when I take this supplement, I have great energy and great mental focus.

The other product I took was this product:

Image result for nutrilite vitamin b

This is a time released tablet.  The  Vitamin B Dual-Action is packed with all eight essential B vitamins in a bi-layer tablet, so your body gets the vitamin B it needs, when it needs it. First, one side delivers a quick and complete release of two B vitamins to help you start strong. Then, the other side releases six more B vitamins steadily for eight hours.

And again, I felt the surge of these two products helping as I started my ascent up the trail and up the mountain.  Since the Rhodiola  product gives you additional energy and focus for about 4 hours and the B complex for another 4, it was the perfect combo.

I reached the Summit in 3.5 hours!…ate my protein lunch, took video and pics and celebrated with others who reached there at the same time as I did.  Going down was very challenging as well, but I was still feeling awesome and got to the bottom of the mountain in 2.5 hours.  Back at camp I started to feel pretty tired and enjoyed a fire and rested.

I PROUDLY sell these products to anyone, especially Outdoors enthusiasts…so contact me if you want more information about getting these exclusive products. email me at

Here’s my website if you want to browse many other helpful supplements and energy products.  IF YOU ARE AN EARTH CRUISER MEMBER I GIVE A 10% DISCOUNT!

Enjoy the pics and the video from the Summit from that day:





2 thoughts on “The Magnificent Mount Mansfield Trek

  1. Nicole – I just wanted to comment on your trip this month to Mount Mansfield. I love your display and how you’ve incorporated the natural vitamins etc. into your hike, great work! I enjoy viewing your trips. As for me this is helpful because I still struggle with my ankles – but I have gotten better. I miss the hikes to beautiful climbs. All the Best!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So nice to hear from you! I really hope we can get out together for some moderate walks this Fall! Thanks for reading my blog! See you soon!


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